Minneapolis NAACP Gets the Vote Out with Angela Meyers
This summer, the world exploded in protest after we began marching in Minneapolis following the murder of George Floyd. What started here sprang from the outrage of people from all walks of life at witnessing such a callous taking of a human life. Many have been inspired by the community organizing and activism that has taken off in Minnesota, other parts of the country and around the world. But while the summer’s activities were triggered by a single event, Minneapolis’ African American community has a long and proud history of activism, community organizing and making real change.
For over 100 years, the Minneapolis chapter of the NAACP has been organizing for equity and equality for African Americans in the city and throughout the Midwest. Today, as we head into the fall elections, a new team of young activists has taken the helm and are now working hard to help Get Out The Vote in November. Today’s guest Angela Rose Meyers is one of the core members of this dedicated and inspiring team. In this interview she shares some of that history, their strategy for getting out the vote, and some insights on the very positive effect of their community organizing – some of it in partnership with the Minneapolis Police Department. Here are specific opportunities for all of us to do more than vote… you can make the difference by helping the NAACP get voters out from now to election day.