Get Out The Vote... From Home! All about VOTEFWD.ORG with Scott Forman
"I don't want everyone to vote." declared Paul Weyrich, a conservative leader who helped spearhead the conservative political movement in the U.S. "As a matter of fact our leverage in the elections goes up, quite candidly, as the voting populace goes down."
With election day only ten weeks away, it's time to get serious and get busy. Between the coronavirus pandemic and increasing voter suppression from nearly every angle, the risks of an election unfairly skewed in the Republican's favor increases daily. Casting and protecting everyone's democratic right to vote is paramount.
If you have wondered how you can help get out the vote and stay healthy and safe from Covid-19, today's guest has the perfect solution. Scott Forman is the founder and director of VOTEFWD.ORG, a new campaign focused on increasing voter participation among those less likely to vote by writing personal letters. It's simple, it's brilliant and it works. In this interview we discuss a bit of the history and threat of increased voter suppression - particularly for people of color - and how you can be a part of his campaign to send 10 million letters to voters this fall.