
Letter to My White Male Friends with Dax-Devlon Ross

Kimberly J. Miller Season 1 Episode 4
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00:00 | 58:42

When the word spread about the murder of George Floyd in Minneapolis, Dax-Devlon Ross began to receive calls and messages from many of his white friends.  Like other African Americans, he wondered how best to respond to these friends -- men that he cared about -- who did not always respond to the murder of another African American man in this way.  He decided to write a letter, which resulted in his article "To My White Male Friends of a Certain Age".  It is a powerful piece written from the heart about what they have in common, where their lives differ, and what it takes to bridge that divide together.  In this interview, he has some excellent suggestions to offer us all including the need to end the "culture of disbelief", for white Americans to own their own pain and how we can all reach out and make a difference with our own spheres of influence.  Dax-Devlon's discussion with host Kimberly J. Miller was also from the heart and is sure to offer good food for though and ideas for action to our listeners.

You can find his original article as published in the Non-Profit Quarterly here.